Blog Filter By Binding

Binding with TransTape: Milk of Magnesia Method

If you have sensitive skin that gets itchy while wearing TransTape or very irritated after removal, Milk of Magnesia may be for you! There's more than one use for this easy to find product and this is a really good one. Milk of Magnesia provides a thin layer of protection that helps keep your skin safe from the adhesive and can help provide a more comfortable experience for the user.

How To: Test Strip!

How To: Test Strip!

You've heard about it, you've read about it and you've been told countless times, "Make sure you do a test strip!" by one of us here at TransTape. Whether you're about to apply for the first time or you're curious as to why it's so important, you've come to the right place.

Sticky Residue From TransTape? Easy Fix!

We've all seen it, we've all dealt with it and now we're all going to know how to get rid of it! Time to dive into one of the most common sticky situations associated with TransTape.

Is It Safe To Tape My Chest? | TransTape FAQs

Safety first! Before diving into a new gender affirming product, it's best to learn a little bit more about it to ensure the product is for you. And more importantly, whether it is safe for you and your body! Rest assured, using proper technique to tape your chest with skin-safe tape is safe!

Can I Use TransTape if I Have a Larger Chest?

Someone told you about TransTape and how it's the best thing since sliced bread, now you're wondering, does it work for everyone? Will the tape still hold up with a larger chest? TransTape can work for anyone, no matter what size you are!

Binder or TransTape?

Binder or TransTape?

There's a good chance you've heard about binders, and if you've ever worn one you also know that at times they can be very uncomfortable. Binders can be great but they aren't everyone's cup of tea and where binders fall short, TransTape steps in.

Nipple Guards w/ TransTape Binding

Nipple guards are a great addition to your application! Whether you use the ready-to-use guards out of the pack, want to make your own or are just unsure of what they are, this is the place to be!

Stay Active With TransTape!

Fitness and TransTape go together like tea and honey. You can have one without the other but you will be missing out on a great experience. A part of me has always enjoyed staying active and finding more things to challenge myself but ever since I found TransTape, that mind, body, spirit connection has never been stronger.

TransTape: Size Me Up!

TransTape: Size Me Up!

When ordering TransTape, you have 3 sizes to select from. Using the correct size, or sizes, can make a world of a difference in your application process. You may also need to use more than one size or strip of tape. It may take a few tries before finding your perfect technique, but here's a tip or two to consider when ordering your tape and finding your perfect application.