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How To: Tucking

How To: Tucking

You may have read the post for first time users tucking before coming here but if not, no worries! This post will have more detailed instructions on how to perfect your tuck with TransTape. I always recommend reading the test strip how to and the before you tape posts before going ahead with your first application. But if you haven't, no worries, we will still briefly cover the test strip and the basic preparation. Let's get to it!

Gynecomastia and TransTape

Do you have gynecomastia? Are you looking for gender affirming products? Well, TransTape is the original body transformation system and it's designed with the user in mind. Compression free, sweat-proof and water-proof, it's made for anyone looking to feel free in their skin! So let's talk about TransTape and how people with gynecomastia can benefit from it.

TransTape and Travel

TransTape and Travel

Whether we're hopping in the car for a cross-country road trip or jumping on the next jet for an adventure, we're going to have to prepare and pack our bags before we go! Maybe some pants, toothpaste, underwear and, you guessed it, TransTape. Travelling can be an anxiety inducing experience, especially if you're worried about staying affirmed. So let's talk about it!

Help: Peeling & Sticking to Clothes

Whether it's your first time taping or your 100th time taping, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. It happens to everyone! A common issue people face while applying, is the tape...

Help: Irritated Skin

Help: Irritated Skin

Whether you're a first time user or a TransTape veteran, you may have encountered some skin irritation. You don't necessarily need to consider your skin sensitive for it to get irritated either, by the way. Everyone's skin can become irritated sometimes, sensitive or not, so let's go over a couple reasons and maybe even some solutions!

First Time User: Binding

First Time User: Binding

If you're a first time user, you may have some questions before diving into your first application. Before this post, I wrote another first time user post with some pre-taping tips that we'll recap here, but you should still give it a read! This post is not a step by step how to bind, only a few beginner binding tips, but you can find the step by step here.

First Time Users: Before You Tape

You just learned about TransTape and you might be wondering if there's anything you should know before trying it for the first time. If that's you, this post could be of service. This is everything you should know about TransTape before your first application and a few resources to check out once you're ready to apply!

TransTape and Top Surgery

Some people have been wondering if using TransTape to bind can lead to top surgery complications. I'm definitely not a Doctor, but I do know that there are countless TransTape users who have gone on to have extremely successful top surgeries, free of any TransTape related complications.

Rounding Corners and TransTape Scissors!

If you've been learning about TransTape or are already a user, you may have come across the very popular suggestion of rounding your corners! Rounding your corners is important to your application and will help you get the most out of it. And you can't do that without a nice pair of scissors, which TransTape offers now!