Just the Tips by Danielle.
Lifting with TransTape is, honestly? The tits. We love to see that natural look under a cute top or dress, so say we all. I have my girls pierced, thank you - It helps me do my best. And If people can’t see that I own a perky set of nipples from at least, like…30 feet away why bother. In all seriousness, lifting with TransTape is easy, hassle free, and I love the way it accentuates my gorgeous figure. Let me share my experience with it, and some quick tips to help you lift like you’re the bossest, bb. Selling out. No, not now - she’s busy and has important things to do.
I first encountered TransTape when a wild girlfriend appeared to suggest I try out lifting. As a trans woman, who is in her second year of hormones, I decided to take her up on it. She also suggested tucking, though let's be real she needs it more than I do. Wow. I may tuck from time to time, but I don’t actually have much bottom dysphoria first of all, and I’m absolutely perfectly valid as the woman I’ve felt that I had always been. But as a performer and model, looking my best is essential - and TransTape is a wonderful tool for making that a reality. It’s literally become a mainstay on our checklist of things for a show.
Apply TransTape from under your side-boob, under the nipple, and raise your breast, while stretching the tape to your chest. I start from the outside and kinda pull in to help with cleavage. There’s also other methods to actually increase cleavage specifically But this way is a nice happy place. Not bunches of tape on, but enough to be supportive while allowing for natural movement.
Press the TransTape down onto your skin, and smooth the product's edges. Give it a few seconds, it takes a few seconds for it to set, but once it’s in place it’s there for the day! Which is why You’ll really want that Jojoba Removal Oil, but more on that in a moment.
You may notice, especially if you have ample breasts, that posture can make the product more or less effective. Pay attention to how you naturally sit before applying the TransTape. Personally? I have to remind myself all the time about my posture. Full goblin mode, basically. You don’t want your TransTape pulling and tugging on you all uncomfortably all evening long. Also Placing your TransTape down on an inward breath will give you more room from the tap pulling on you throughout the night as well.
Love yourself, no I mean it this time. Make sure you are taking care of stress in positive ways. I for one enjoy a night out with a group, performing, and also sex. *editor’s note: let’s all get out more this year.
Get the Jojoba Removal Oil. I really like it, highly recommended. It smells great, has a wonderful soft feeling, and absorbs into the tape with ease. You can use it for sex reasons. I mean you're pouring oil all over your pretty perky tits. It’s practically begging for it. And honestly go for the big bottle! You’re gonna wanna use more of it. Promise.
Have more sex.Seriously! Get your rocks off bb, I can only encourage. No pressure, of course. Though in this day and age loving yourself, and loving that certain someone else, can be a revolutionary act in itself. Get rid of the stress, girl you don’t need it. It’s the best stress relief. I’ve got love on the mind, I suppose.
And there you have it, some super helpful tips. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Does that count? If you’re struggling, it gets better. If you’re well, I’ll applaud. And I’m doing my best to make things happen. Find strength in community. Grow, and let live. As for myself, I broke a rib on NYE!! It’s feeling much better, overall thanks but god what a start to the year. But I know it is my year. Me and my partner Charli (who is cute and also models for TransTape) released a music video for our act Grave Girls, called Like Hell. It’s a somewhat political message. But we’re up to 22,000 plays this month on it. So we decided to start investing our time on the channel. Who knows maybe TransTape will one day sponsor our show! A girl can dream.
I am currently releasing an album with the band called Empress of a Shattered Glass, you will find some songs online, streaming everywhere. Ok, so it’s 21 songs, and will be one hour forty three minutes long when it’s completed at the end of the year. We are releasing one to two songs per month.
It can be hard, living in the southern US, in the heart of Appalachia. But we are making the most of what we have, and looking forward to more good times to come. Charli and I lost a lot of work with the Asheville floods, see what we do is: run visual projection for events and concerts, play in a touring band, model and blog for TransTape, run a youtube channel, run a recording studio, take commissions, odd jobs, and soon we will be printing. Where the time goes, I have no clue. But I think tonight I’m gonna take a bath, sink down and relax, relax. After that, me and gf have plans to play and shoot pictures. So on that note, bon voyage and have a great weekend bb you’ve earned it.
Danielle <333
Follow gravegirlsmusic on Youtube!