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Meet Danielle, Let's Talk about Lifting

Hi it’s Danielle, bb. Hello men, gals, and pals. TransTape enthusiasts. It’s everyone’s gf, and that means me. Let’s get to know each other first, so I’ll start. I am primarily a performer...

Being Confident with TransTape

Hi friends it’s Charli again. Today I want to tell you a little bit about how helpful TransTape is for me, and how I deal with ‘situations,’ like this recent story for example....

Valentine's Day: TransTape Edition

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and this means something a little bit different for everyone. For some, this means an extra dose of self-love, and for others it's a day of spoiling your significant other. Wherever you fall on the valentine's day sliding scale, make some room for TransTape to join you!

Holiday Aftercare

Holiday Aftercare

Regardless of how you spent the holidays, they can be draining and it's important to give yourself time to process and recharge. Self-care is important and should never be put on the back-burner. And while practicing self-care, don't forget your proper TransTape aftercare!

How Long Does a Roll Last?

One of the most common questions asked regarding TransTape is how long one roll will last. This is a tricky question, because we're all going to apply our tape differently, but it's not an impossible one. Although I'm only able to give you an approximate answer for how long a roll lasts me, after reading this post you should have a general idea on how long a roll may last for you.

Education and TransTape

Education and TransTape

TransTape is a product that has the potential to reinvent the way you use gender affirming products in your life. Whether you're looking to get rid of binders, bras or packing/tucking underwear, TransTape can be of assistance. Having a great product without the proper knowledge on how to use it isn't very helpful, though. And this is why TransTape offers free educational workshops and live helpdesk assistance!

LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month

The month of October is LGBTQ+ History Month! Some people may have thought that was back in June, which is pride month, but October focuses more on the action and history that brought us to where we are today. Even though we still have a long ways to go before we reach true liberation, we have come a long way and owe it to the incredible people who fought for the rights we have today. So let's learn a little history together!

Self-Love and TransTape

Self-Love and TransTape

A lot is happening in the world right now and it's really easy to lose track of the not-so-little little things. If you use TransTape, there's a chance you're working with a part of your body that isn't your favorite and that can prove to be a challenge. Things like setting aside time for yourself, rest days and enjoying a nice cup of your favorite beverage just because you can tend to get lost in the sauce, it happens. ESPECIALLY when life gets crazy!

Help: I Need Assistance!

Help: I Need Assistance!

Whether you're new to TransTape or have been around since the beginning, there's a good chance you have moments where you could really use an extra hand or word of advice. I think we've all been there at least once and thankfully TransTape is well aware and gives us a few options to choose from. If you're feeling stuck or looking for guidance, you're in the right place and help is on the way!