We've learned a lot about TransTape, how to pack, how to tuck, how to bind, and so much more, but we've never really mentioned any alternative uses for every day life. I'll only name two that I've used recently, but feel free to share your stories with us!

Hey friends!

And future friends.

As per usual we'll be talking about TransTape, but this time it's not going to be a typical bind/pack/tuck blog.

I've been using TransTape for over 5 years, and over the years I've found some alternative uses for it.

Truly, what is better than a multi-purpose and long lasting product?

I'll go over what exactly TransTape is like I usually do for any new users we have with us today, but also so these alternative uses make a little more sense.

What Is TransTape

TransTape came to be in 2017, when creator Kaiyote discovered that he was Transgender.

Like many other transgender men, Kaiyote began using a "traditional" binder and found himself restricted and overall, uncomfortable.

Especially on those hot and humid days.

After researching and seeking out alternatives, he eventually came across what we know now as TransTape.

And TransTape can last for an entire week.

"Traditional" binders can only be worn safely for only 8 hours.

That's a pretty big difference, most of us looking to bind would probably prefer the option that allows us to bind our chests for a week. But everyone is different and there's nothing wrong with wearing a binder.

Sometimes it's nice to have another option, though.

TransTape is made from a blend of 95% cotton and 5% spandex with a hypoallergenic medical grade acrylic adhesive that is latex free and non-medicated. And it's compression free.


Whether you're a hiker, a biker, a swimmer or a napper, your tape can keep you securely binded for up to a week.

But TransTape isn't just for binding.

It's the original body transformation system and an alternative to many gender affirming products including binders, bras, gaffes and harnesses.

Alternative Uses

I don't know about you, but multi-purpose products are my favorite things, and that used to include using 101 all in 1 shampoo.

It doesn't anymore, turns out when you use shampoo, conditioner and body wash separately it's a lot better for you and your skin. Who knew, I just thought everyone was jealous.

Stripped Screws

Yes, you absolutely did read that correctly.

Have you ever ordered cheap furniture online? Hell, even the expensive stuff gives me a hard time, but you know what I'm talking about.

You order the cool desk, think it's gonna be simple, you set aside maybe an hour for it, and 5 minutes in, the stupid screw will no longer screw.

Personally, I ordered a dresser that was supposed to be super simple and easy to put together. Was it? Absolutely not, every single screw stripped, I swear.

That particular time, I did not think about using TransTape to solve the problem, but I sure wish I would have.

It wasn't until a friend of mine and myself decided to order another piece of easy-to-put-together furniture online that this issue arose again.

As we rather quickly came to the conclusion that yes, every single one of these screws is absolutely going strip, she said, "Hey, what about TransTape?" Personally, I think the best part about this, is that it wasn't me who thought of using it for this reason, it was someone who doesn't even use it on a regular basis like me.

If you've never been in this situation before, you probably have no idea how one may use TransTape to solve the issue of having a stripped screw. And that's fine by me because, neither did I.

When you strip a screw, it means you can no longer effectively use a screw driver or a drill on it because the Phillips (plus sign) shaped head of the screw, or in our case the Allen head shape, erodes away until it's nearly smooth.

Sometimes, it erodes away so much that it's impossible to get any traction. And in that case, I wish you the best of luck, but even more patience.

Anyways, we used TransTape to get traction and finish making the stupid coat rack.

Basically, you place a small piece of TransTape over the head of the screw, sticky side down. This helps by reinforcing the original shape, meaning it kinda helps replace what eroded away already.

After you place the tape, take your screwdriver or drill, apply lots of pressure and hope for the best. You might have to try it more than once, but don't worry you only need a very small amount of TransTape to do this.


I'm not sure if this is super common for other people to do, but sometimes I like to put little grip strips on things like lighters.

What is a grip strip? Thanks for asking.

To me, a grip strip is a tiny piece of tape or a thick rubber band that you place on an object to help give you grip. I know a couple people who put multiple bands around their to-go coffee mugs to help with grip and make it a little more comfortable to hold.

I tend to do this a lot with lighters, so when I'm reaching in my pocket for it, it's easy to grab and makes it identifiable in my pocket.

For those of you lettuce smokers, this also makes your lighter stand out so you can catch whoever the lighter thief in your group is. If you don't have one in your group, terrible news, it might be you.

For a lighter, all you have to do is cut a very small piece, probably a little over an inch long and half an inch or less wide, and place the tape however you'd like. I usually place the bottom of the lighter in the center of the tape and fold it up the sides so it's comfortable to hold.

And I think it looks cool, especially when I use the inked tape.

You could use tape on your favorite lighter, go-to travel mug, preferred pen or pencil, and honestly whatever you feel you need to get a grip on.

Including, well..

Some of you know how I want to finish that, I just don't think I'm allowed to finish that joke.

All the Purposes

Dealing with a stripped screw and getting a grip on your morning beverage are just a few ways you can use TransTape outside of the average use.

And I think that's pretty cool. My father actually used TransTape on an outdoor project he was working on to prevent water from getting in, and it's still doing its job over 6 months later.

It's amazing what a little outside the box thinking can accomplish, truly.

When we use something regularly, we're a lot less likely to consider other uses. Maybe not all of us, but I am. I've really only ever used TransTape for binding and packing, I just happened to put a scrap piece on my lighter one day and realized how much I liked it.

This is one of many reasons why I think we should bring TransTape up to our friends, family, loved ones and basically any and everyone that you identify as a cool person.

Did I ever think my dad would use it for a solar panel? Nope, but he did because it was waterproof. Did I think my friend would consider using it to deal with a stripped screw? Nope, but she did because of the grippy adhesive. Did I ever think I'd use it to get a grip on my lighter? Nope, but I did because of the texture and design.

Main point? I might not have one.

But objects, and people, can be more than one thing at once.

TransTape is gender affirming care.

TransTape is also home repair.

I am a trans man.

But I am also a human.

See what I did there?

I hope you've at least found something mildly useful, today.

Or at least kinda funny.

Enough of my nonsense, though.

Go be unapologetically yourself.

Until next time,

Stay awesome,

Stay beautiful,

Stay you.

You are loved and it gets better.

Talk to you soon,


Welcome to the cool kids club!

My name is Jamie and I'm a young (ish) transman born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York state. I started my transition in May of 2017 and since then, I've made it my mission to live unapologetically as myself and spread awareness through my pursuit of happiness. I am the creator and writer of Spilling T blog, a proud affiliate of TransTape and when I'm not outside with the best dog ever or hanging out with my two cats, I make and sell my own beard care products through Buckaroo's Beard Care. I'm always looking for my next adventure and have been skydiving, road-tripping, hiking in the mountains and even served for a short time in the United States Marine Corps. My life has had its fair share of twists and turns and I hope to use those experiences to create helpful and relatable content that may help someone else navigate a difficult time in life.

Beards, Socials, Tape and Writing

Use code FINALLYME10 and Find Your Freedom with TransTape!