Hi my name is Charli and I want to talk to you about applying TransTape to your body as a trans woman. I have a job that has me on a ladder fairly often, as well as on a stage. So it’s often the case that my crotch is right about eye level. What’s worse is I’m working on things above me. So to me it feels like I’m just thrusting myself out there for the world to see. I work in live music you see and so one way or another it’s not a rare thing for me to have people looking at me in public. I create animations and do live concert visual design as well as perform in a trans girl power band called Grave Girls.

Enter TransTape. A few years ago a friend of mine asked me if I’d be interested in trying out a product the company he worked for makes. He explained that they were interested in expanding their product to our side of the community and wanted some input. I agreed and packed it up and went to work a vendor gig at a big music festival in Tennessee in the middle of the summer. Bit of an extreme stress test for the product to see if it can survive this, and not hurt me; then I’m sold. But hey it’s just my genitals. What’s the worst that could happen?

It worked wonderfully! No rashes or discomfort or anything like that. For days! That’s right. I wore that tape at a music festival for three days. Now we did have a little privacy tarp and a water hose at our campsite so we could bathe. But here’s the thing. What if you have to pee right?

I mean hey, are you on spiro? I am. Guess what. I’ve got to pee. Now when I saw the tape instructions my friends included, this was the first thing I considered. But once again handing my body over to experimentation I decided I needed a way to make this work. After all, if I'm putting tape… down there. I’m gonna leave it there for more than a few hours. And again I’m gonna have to pee. You understand. I bet you have to pee also. 

When I use TransTape it gives me the freedom to wear what I want, and not have to worry about potential embarrassments when I’m going to be on stage performing and under scrutiny of a bunch of different people. It also feels gender affirming to me to have everything packed up all nice and tight. But we’ll get there.

First before we do this we need to make some preparations. Gather a few things. First of all of course you need your roll of TransTape. Which comes in a variety of skin tones. Not just the pasty ghost lady tone that I wear, but an entire spectrum! Very cool. You also will want a pair of scissors, and your favorite pair of panties. Doesn’t have to be a gaffe. So go ahead. Grab the cute ones. Or the sexy ones. What kind of after party are we going to sweetheart? But leave those giant gaffes at the house babe, you don’t need them.

Now do you want to shave or not? Honestly that’s just up to you. Do not try to remove this stuff without the oil! That’s gonna be a bad day. It’s intended to stay till you decide you want to take it off. And to that end they provide a bottle of their removal oil in their starter kit. Friends, this is the way to go. Save some money and get everything you need to get to taping. So it honestly doesn’t make that big of a difference in my experience. Though if you’ve got a lot going on there could be some uncomfortable pulling. I personally stay pretty tidy, but however you feel more comfortable. Which is the whole point here. Don’t feel the need to go bare unless you want to though. Shaving can be a pain.

Now let’s talk about our balls. I’m going to assume you don’t know the first thing about tucking. If you're an old pro you’ll be familiar with this part. But if you’re a young trans lady early in your transition and you don’t know how to do this I’m here for you doll. 

Go take a cold shower. It will feel good. 

Okay you back? Did you notice where your balls went? Well that’s where they go. It’s called the inguinal canals and remember these for another time, because there’s a cool secret trick you can do! But we’re getting dressed for the show. That is for later.

So to tape ourselves up the first thing is to get used to wearing your testicles up inside. Personally this is just how my body is most of the time anyway and the extra support is just very comfortable. Once you’re comfortable in this spot let’s get that TransTape out and grab those scissors. You want to cut out a piece about big enough to cover the area of your tucked balls and just a tad more for room. I’ve Included some illustrations to make this more easy to digest.

What you need to do is take your piece of tape and cut two lines into the top about half way down. Then take that little flap you just created and fold it over.Then cut your corners for comfort. When you peel the backing paper off the tape ensure that the flap you created folds over and creates a little barrier for your more sensitive skin. 


For comforts sake I like to round out all my edges and make sure to lea

ve a little divot on the top part. Essentially we are making a pocket out of our scrotum. So pack those ladies up inside where they belong. Gather the skin in and carefully apply

 the tape from one side to the other. Again we’re going for kangaroo pouch vibes here. You got it? Great! Now grab those panties and pull them up to your hips.

Okay now here’s the weird part. Where are we gonna put the penis? Now traditionally you would have strapped that sucker up between your legs and called it a day. But again. We are on Spiro, I’ll be right back, I have to pee. So instead what I’ve found to be incredibly useful is to take myself and just stick the whole damn girl cock right down indie that little pouch we just made. Then simply pull the panties up. If you need to you can apply additional tape across the two top pieces to help secure your TransTape in place.  Now when you sit down all you need to do is pull it  out like a demon woman in a hentai, then simply tuck it away again once finished. Very demure. 

Now I hear what you’re saying. Aunt Charli but mine is prodigious. Surely everyone will see it even if I could pack this monster into its cave. Well again right there with you. Not to brag, but I've always surprised my partners. Works like a charm. Go to the bathroom whenever you need to. Now enjoy your night! Wear those leggings. Wear that short skirt. Just wear some panties if it’s a cool enough club! But don’t worry about anything coming flying out. Honestly it’s amazing. 

So now the night’s over. And you want to let yourself go and relax. That’s where this oil comes in. Like I said earlier, do not try and remove this tape just by gritting your teeth and pulling it. You will hurt yourself. The adhesive is strong. It’s long lasting, and it’s waterproof. Use the oil. Besides, it kinda feels good. 

It’s also REALLY good to give your boobs lift and help cleavage. But more on that later. 

And hey if you made it this far thanks a lot for reading my ramblings. Hope you found it informative. If you like industrial electronic music with a massive dose of trans empowerment feel free to check out our music available all over the places where music is. And if you are inclined to buy some TransTape after reading this it would be amazing if you used my affiliate link. This is a trans owned company and they go above and beyond to support the trans community.