Blog Filter By Help

TransTape is Here for YOU!

TransTape isn't just a company that sells you products, it's a company that chooses to give back and uplift the users of their product! Aside from providing gender euphoria one strip of tape at a time, on the website TransTape has a free live chat where you can get 1-on-1 assistance from someone through chat or video, free video tutorials and manuals! And on social media, they also help promote GoFundMe campaigns and user side hustles. Wanna learn more? Let's go!

TransTape Gives Back!

TransTape Gives Back!

We're always talking about the product, but what about the company? Believe it or not, there's more to TransTape than just the tape. Whether you're an artist looking to make an extra buck, a person in need of a free starter kit, someone seeking assistance with top surgery or an organization in need of a donation, TransTape is here to help! If you're interested to learn more about how TransTape gives back to the community, join me for an easy read that will make you want to grab some tape for yourself.

TransTape Shipping!

TransTape Shipping!

Your feedback about shipping hasn't gone unnoticed and TransTape has taken it upon themselves to address these concerns head on. Domestic and international shipping rates were inconsistent, but that will now be a thing of the past! After trial and error, a flaw in the system was found and is actively being corrected.

How To: Tucking

How To: Tucking

You may have read the post for first time users tucking before coming here but if not, no worries! This post will have more detailed instructions on how to perfect your tuck with TransTape. I always recommend reading the test strip how to and the before you tape posts before going ahead with your first application. But if you haven't, no worries, we will still briefly cover the test strip and the basic preparation. Let's get to it!

Help: Peeling & Sticking to Clothes

Whether it's your first time taping or your 100th time taping, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. It happens to everyone! A common issue people face while applying, is the tape...

Help: Irritated Skin

Help: Irritated Skin

Whether you're a first time user or a TransTape veteran, you may have encountered some skin irritation. You don't necessarily need to consider your skin sensitive for it to get irritated either, by the way. Everyone's skin can become irritated sometimes, sensitive or not, so let's go over a couple reasons and maybe even some solutions!

Is TransTape Right for Me?

If you're looking for different ways to bind, or maybe just an alternative to your current method, you might have heard of TransTape. TransTape is a compression free binding method that makes some people raise their eyebrows when they first hear about it. But fear not, TransTape is made for everybody, especially you!

When Should I Remove My Tape?

The tape is on but now its been a day or two and you're not sure whether or not you should remove it. I totally get it and I've been there! When you're still getting used to wearing TransTape, it can be difficult to determine whether or not it's ready to come off. And that's why I am here to help!

Rounding Corners and TransTape Scissors!

If you've been learning about TransTape or are already a user, you may have come across the very popular suggestion of rounding your corners! Rounding your corners is important to your application and will help you get the most out of it. And you can't do that without a nice pair of scissors, which TransTape offers now!