
Packing with TransTape Tutorial

As some of you may know, I'm a huge supporter of a company named TransTape. Time and time again I find myself thanking TransTape for existing. Whether it's for giving me new confidence, keeping my chest in place or even keeping my other spare parts in place. So here, I will gladly share how to pack with TransTape.

NEW Removal Oil Recipe | Jojoba Oil

TransTape's Removal Oil has always been made with the finest ingredients and that will never change. Sunflower oil has been the go to for the famous formula but now jojoba oil is clearing a path with a whole new level of benefits for our skin. Removal Oil is suggested now more than ever!

How to Remove TransTape

How to Remove TransTape

We might know a lot about applying TransTape by now, but do we know how to properly remove it? Improperly removing TransTape can lead to discomfort or blistering and we don't want that!...

Binding with TransTape Tutorial | Jamie Blum (Medium)

There's not necessarily a wrong way to apply TransTape, but there are definitely commonly missed steps and mistakes that you can avoid.