
TransTape Shipping!

TransTape Shipping!

Your feedback about shipping hasn't gone unnoticed and TransTape has taken it upon themselves to address these concerns head on. Domestic and international shipping rates were inconsistent, but that will now be a thing of the past! After trial and error, a flaw in the system was found and is actively being corrected.

How To: Tucking

How To: Tucking

You may have read the post for first time users tucking before coming here but if not, no worries! This post will have more detailed instructions on how to perfect your tuck with TransTape. I always recommend reading the test strip how to and the before you tape posts before going ahead with your first application. But if you haven't, no worries, we will still briefly cover the test strip and the basic preparation. Let's get to it!

First Time User: Tucking

First Time User: Tucking

If you read "First Time User: Before You Apply," you should be ready to apply for the first time! Since you're ready to apply now, we're going to go over a few basics for tucking with TransTape. And after this post, there will soon be a detailed how-to for how to tuck, but you can't skip the basics!

Gynecomastia and TransTape

Do you have gynecomastia? Are you looking for gender affirming products? Well, TransTape is the original body transformation system and it's designed with the user in mind. Compression free, sweat-proof and water-proof, it's made for anyone looking to feel free in their skin! So let's talk about TransTape and how people with gynecomastia can benefit from it.

TransTape Merch!

TransTape Merch!

Gender affirming tape aside, TransTape also has merch! From t-shirts to duffle bags, TransTape offers a variety of merch so you can show your support and spread the good word to the people around you. Check it out!

TransTape and Travel

TransTape and Travel

Whether we're hopping in the car for a cross-country road trip or jumping on the next jet for an adventure, we're going to have to prepare and pack our bags before we go! Maybe some pants, toothpaste, underwear and, you guessed it, TransTape. Travelling can be an anxiety inducing experience, especially if you're worried about staying affirmed. So let's talk about it!

Help: Peeling & Sticking to Clothes

Whether it's your first time taping or your 100th time taping, you may find yourself in a sticky situation. It happens to everyone! A common issue people face while applying, is the tape...

Binding and Packing Discreetly: TransTape

You may be wondering, "how is it possible for one to bind and pack discretely?" And if you are, you've come to the right place! TransTape veterans have likely already heard the great news, but TransTape provides us with a compression free and strapless option for many of our gender affirming wants and needs. If you wanna know more, stick around and learn something!

Black History Month

Black History Month

It's no secret that February is Black History Month and if you didn't know, now you do! From human rights activists, ingenious innovators, talented performers and so so much more, Black people have...