Hi there girlies and non-binary buddies. It’s your aunt Charli here and today we are going to talk about dicks. Or more precisely what to do with them when we’re not using ours. Now I fully understand that not everyone feels the need to tuck, and far be it for me to tell anyone what to do with their body. But for me personally I find myself in a quandary. I really like wearing leggings, but I’ve got a noticeable ‘bulge’ down there. Besides, it just feels really comfortable and it’s nice to not have to worry about how I’m positioned, or did that person just look at my crotch?
So most of the tutorials online I’ve ever seen for tucking are more targeted at drag performers. And as we know, trans girls gotta pee. I’ve got to pee really bad right now. So it’s just not feasible to do a full drag set up when I’m just gonna have to take it down in like five minutes, maybe a few hours. I recently wrote a whole post that you should for sure check out. Today I want to go into some more details about a few things.
Ok so first things first. Let’s talk about skin preparation. Before you use TransTape make sure you’re nice and clean! You're gorgeous, don't forget to treat yourself like it. But what do you do about hair? So personally I prefer to shave. Maybe have a little shape left to be cute. But I’ve used TransTape both with and without hair. And while with enough oil it’s not THAT big of a deal at the end of the day it’s still hair and tape. So I mean I like how my body looks without my spotty patches of feint hair anyway. So it was a no brainer. But if you don’t like to or can’t shave for whatever reason just take it slow and use oil. But more on that later.
Another key point is that if you end up putting TransTape on your scrotum itself you will want to use a buffer between the adhesive side of the tape and your sensitive skin. For me I just kind of fold up like an origami puzzle or something so it’s not a huge thing for me to just flip a strip of tape over against the main one placed strategically to protect the skin.
So now that we have that out of the way let's go back and visit how to actually fit your TransTape to your body! So for my body it might be different than yours! So let’s work out how to figure it out for your body specifically.
Now the method I use for tucking is meant to be worn with clothes. It can be very minimal but it’s really more about keeping everything supported than strapping it up like on its own. Kind of a happy medium is what we are aiming for. So needless to say everyone will be a little different.
When it comes to tucking there are a few perimeters you want to consider. How well are you able to wear your balls on the inside and where to put your dick. For me the first was the easy one, the second one took a moment to work out. So you want to be able to comfortably keep yourself on the inside. Go take a cold shower if you don’t understand what I’m talking about. That’s where you are putting them. Up in the body. Nice and out of the way. Something about that makes me feel really comfortable. The next part is how to tuck your cock and still have access to it to pee. For me instead of taping it down I just tuck down into my empty scrotum.
Now if that’s not quite clear imagine like a little Kangaroo pouch for you little joey. And what’s more you’ve got the tape supporting everything so you essentially just fold yourself up into a little ball. It’s honestly super comfortable. Aside from our music and working concert visuals I do a lot of flow arts, and I almost ALWAYS tuck when I’m planning on working hard with my fire dart. Essentially a fireball on a twelve foot rope. I wrap it around me and dance… you can imagine the benefits of being more streamlined. But then after the burn session is over you can go and pee without having to undo all that tape.
And that brings me to removal! Honestly the best way to do this we’ve found is to just take your time at the end of the night, make sure to oil up the area of the tape, let it soak in, and in about five minutes or so your TransTape will simply peel right off, even if you’ve got hair. It’s not adhesive anymore. Just a satisfying little ohhhh as you pull it off. And now I mean what’s better at the end of the day when settling down with your partner and getting your sensitive parts oiled, rubbed, and freed. And it requires you to take your time? Oh come on now. On the TransTape website they have a section on Play… And there’s quite a few things even us Trans girls can do with TransTape in that department. But more on that some other time. But again, take your time and enjoy yourself. Have fun and reward yourself. Be good to yourself.
Which finally comes to the end. I’m so glad you took the time to read this. And speaking of being kind to yourself, remember that goes for your skin as well! And to that end be sure to check out TransTape’s Repairing Salve! If you have any dry, chapped or damaged skin just apply a good amount on the cleaned and dried affected skin, alternatively you can apply the salve to a bandage and apply it to the area.
I hope you found some of this helpful and that you have a wonderful day.