NEW Removal Oil Recipe | Jojoba Oil – TransTape®


TransTape's Removal Oil has always been made with the finest ingredients and that will never change. Sunflower oil has been the go to for the famous formula but now jojoba oil is clearing a path with a whole new level of benefits for our skin. Removal Oil is suggested now more than ever!
Welcome back, everybody!
You may have heard of jojoba oil before, but if not that's okay!
I actually stretched my ears with it and it's wonderful.
One day, by chance and the will of the universe, the Creator and Founder of TransTape, Kaiyote, bumped into the President of The Original Jojoba Company, Brian, at the Post Office.
From that first chance conversation, researching and learning about all of the benefits, it was decided that there would definitely be jojoba oil in TransTape's future.
From stretching ears, medicinal treatments and all the way to, believe it or not, landscaping jobs, jojoba oil has many different uses and benefits.
The benefits are far and wide and this is why the TransTape team, including Brian, have taken the time to upgrade the Removal Oil to provide a more beneficial experience for everyone while using TransTape.
TransTape has been and will always be committed to providing only the best quality products for their customers.

Why Change a Formula that Works?

But I love the sunflower oil blend! It works great with my sensitive skin!
I hear you, dude!
It is great and has worked absolute wonders for many, including myself.
But, fear not young grasshoppers, you can trust that the oil recipe is only changing to provide customers like us with the best possible experience while using TransTape.
As if the experience could get any better, right?
The formula we all love and recommend has always been made with a sunflower oil base and I have nothing bad to say about it, but jojoba oil reigns superior when in comparison.
And since jojoba oil provides us with a natural and more beneficial experience all by itself, the Removal Oil will no longer be made with essential oils either.
No more essential oils either?! AHH!
But fear not! This is simply because jojoba oil possesses stronger healing properties than sunflower oil, monarda and cedarwood combined!
That's impossible, no way!
I swear!
This stuff comes second to the best thing since sliced bread, which we all know is TransTape.

Naturally Healing

Jojoba oil has actually been proven to be just as effective as a prescription strength topical steroid!
Jojoba oil is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, which is perfect for red, irritated or raised skin. And this is something I'm sure most of us have dealt with at some point after removing our tape.
Totally okay and normal for that to happen sometimes, by the way, as long as it isn't severe.
It retains moisture exceptionally well and helps improve the overall health of your skin which evidently leads to improved skin elasticity and restoration. Building up healthy skin elasticity is very beneficial and important for the application and removal processes.
Jojoba oil keeps skin moisturized, fights wrinkles, stretch marks and can even be used to strengthen and nourish hair. Which is why you'll find it in many quality hair and beard products, including my own personal ones from Buckaroo's Beardcare.
Jojoba oil penetrates deeply into our pores, keeping our skin hydrated on all levels, while the former sunflower oil only stays on the surface layer of our skin.
It absorbs quickly, naturally and will not clog your pores!
And for those of you worried about a new oil causing breakouts, it'll actually help regulate your natural production of sebum, the oil our body naturally produces, which makes jojoba oil a very effective acne treatment.
Due to its healing properties, jojoba oil has even been known to help treat eczema and psoriasis!
These are huge benefits of jojoba and will likely make a major impact on how our skin recovers on off days.
Or even for every day use in a skin care routine!

Using Less

You'll likely have to use less of this new oil than you did the old one!
As we all know, when removing TransTape we go through a lot of oil. As we should.
Always use oil to remove TransTape, no exceptions!
So since we go through a lot, we end up restocking pretty often and although it's fairly priced, at the end of the day it's still money that we have to spend and take out of our pockets.
But the reason we'll go through less with jojoba, and spend less money in the long run, is because it's compatible with human sebum.
Jojoba absorbs subcutaneously, into the deepest layer of our skin, so when your skin is no longer absorbing oil, that's how you know your skin is hydrated and that you've added enough! Any remaining oil will just drip-off so be sure not to completely drench yourself.
And guess what? If you do drench yourself, it won't stain clothing. Unlike other skincare products, jojoba oil is safe to use with most fabric and won't leave annoying stains behind after use.
When testing out the new Removal Oil for the first time, try dropping some oil on the back of your hand and rub it in. This will give you a general idea on how much oil you'll need to apply for your skin.

Shelf Life

Does it take you a while to go through a big thing of oil? Me too. No worries though, it'll still be good for years to come!
Jojoba is almost exclusively marketed as an oil but it's actually not an oil at all, it's technically a liquid wax.
This is a very important distinction because unlike pure oils which often contain triglycerides, the oil, or wax rather, from jojoba seeds doesn't contain any at all.
When substances contain triglycerides, they oxidize which greatly shortens their shelf-life and causes them to eventually go rancid, even when they remain sealed.
In other words, if you're like me and tend to stock up when there are sales, you won't have to worry about using your Removal Oil before it loses its potency. Because it'll likely never go bad!
Many of our favorite lotions, creams and other skincare products can also go bad due to containing a combination of triglycerides and a water base.
Which is just another great reason to add some jojoba oil to your routine!

Story Time

There was one specific encounter about shelf-life that Brian was nice enough to share with the team where a massage therapist approached him at a function where he was speaking about jojoba and its benefits.
They had purchased jojoba oil some years ago and put it away in storage, ultimately forgetting about it. Twelve years later they came across it again and after seeing Brian, they took the opportunity to ask if it was still usable.
Neither of them being entirely sure if it was, cause you never know until you check, they decided to crack it open and find out.
Sure enough, the jojoba oil was good as new and absorbed into their skin just as good as a fresh batch would. Although the massage therapist still wasn't going to use it on their clients, they kept it for themselves to use for personal skincare.
12 whole years passed by and it was still good, guys! 12 years!
Many massage therapists, not just this one, swear by jojoba oil and some even feel that The Original Jojoba Company produces quite possibly the best that they've ever used. The way it absorbs into their clients skin is unmatched and the anti-inflammatory qualities make it perfect for massage therapy.
And they even get to use less of it while reaping more benefits!

What Is Jojoba (Oil)?

Glad you asked!
Jojoba is actually a seed that gets harvested on farms and pressed into a liquid wax, even though you've most likely seen it advertised almost exclusively as an oil, like mentioned before.
When you crush a jojoba seed, it produces a liquid wax that proves to be great for cuts, scrapes and general skin care.
That liquid wax is what is known as jojoba oil.
Jojoba is native to Arizona and is a desert shrub that's been growing and thriving for thousands of years.
However, the specific jojoba that will be added to TransTape's Removal Oil actually comes directly from a team of 5 major farms, along with many local farms, where it is minimally processed and lightly pressed only once to ensure quality over quantity.
Everything is owned and developed by the hardworking farmers themselves. Other companies that are not owned by farmers often lose quality by over pressing and over processing their jojoba seeds.
One of the first known uses of the jojoba seed was actually discovered by Native Americans, they would eat the seeds to help satiate hunger.
The more they experimented with jojoba seeds, the more benefits they found! Including being able to use it to treat minor injuries.
As time passed, jojoba started becoming a much larger topic of conversation in the 1970s, which, fun fact, is actually around the same time sperm whale hunting was in the beginning stages of becoming outlawed.
Sperm whales? Yes, just keep reading.
People began to realize that jojoba could be grown and cultivated and they began searching for and discovering the many uses and benefits that we know of today.
After they began to study and research jojoba more, they noticed that the chemical structure of it was very unique and shares properties with only two other things in the world.
Sperm whale oil and human sebum.
See? I was going somewhere with the sperm whales.

But Wait! There's More!

Sperm whales aside, the powers of jojoba don't stop at skin care.
I mentioned earlier how it could be used for landscaping and I'm pretty sure at least a few of you are still thinking about that.
When installing hardwood floors, some people are very selective of the chemicals that they use for sealing, especially for their own homes, and only want all natural products to be used.
Totally understandable!
There was one time in particular where someone was interested in finding the most natural way possible and a landscaping company reached out to Brian to ask if jojoba oil could be used for this type of thing.
There didn't seem to be a reason why it wouldn't work so the company followed through and used jojoba oil to seal the timbers of the hardwood floors on an outdoor deck.
Sealing the timbers in hardwood floors helps protect the wood from moisture and the possibility of rotting.
Those hardwood floors are still holding up just as well as they were when originally installed, even after countless rainy days.
Once again, leaving another jojoba customer very happy with their results.
That's not even where the woodwork uses end for jojoba though!
It's also been recruited in the past by toy companies to seal wooden toys with a combination of beeswax to ensure they are fully safe for children to play with.
Sounds like some pretty cool stuff, right?

Change Isn't So Bad

Just like when we find that awesome new application technique and switch up our own ways, change can end up being one of the best things ever!
Jojoba oil is hands down one of the best things out there for your skin and now we'll all get to reap those benefits while using TransTape's Removal Oil.
We've only covered a few of the many benefits of jojoba here as well as some other fun facts about it, a story and interesting uses.
As nerve racking as a new formula can be for some of us, we're all in good hands when it comes to the TransTape team.
Hopefully this post helped break down some of the reasons why jojoba oil is being introduced to the TransTape Removal Oil and why it'll be an even better experience than ever now.
Don't worry, it's going to be amazing!
Until next time,
Stay awesome,
Stay beautiful,
Stay you.
You are loved and it gets better.
Talk to you soon,

Welcome to the cool kids club!

My name is Jamie and I'm a young (ish) transman born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York state. I started my transition in May of 2017 and since then, I've made it my mission to live unapologetically as myself and spread awareness through my pursuit of happiness. I am the creator and writer of Spilling T blog, a proud affiliate of TransTape and when I'm not outside with the best dog ever or hanging out with my two cats, I make and sell my own beard care products through Buckaroo's Beard Care. I'm always looking for my next adventure and have been skydiving, road-tripping, hiking in the mountains and even served for a short time in the United States Marine Corps. My life has had its fair share of twists and turns and I hope to use those experiences to create helpful and relatable content that may help someone else navigate a difficult time in life.

Beards, Socials, Tape and Writing

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