Whether you're a first time user or a TransTape veteran, you may have encountered some skin irritation. You don't necessarily need to consider your skin sensitive for it to get irritated either, by the way. Everyone's skin can become irritated sometimes, sensitive or not, so let's go over a couple reasons and maybe even some solutions!
Hello, there.
Fancy meeting you here.
And while you're here reading, can you do me a favor?
Please sip some water or something else hydrating, I think we all need some more of that.
Now that you have your beverage, let's get into it.
If you've found this post, I'm going to assume a couple things.
First, you need some help.
And second, you have excellent taste.
Jokes aside, your skin might be feeling a little irritated or maybe you're being proactive and looking into things you may encounter while using TransTape.
Either way, you're doing great.
As always, we're going to go over what exactly TransTape is before talking about irritated skin and how to help or maybe even prevent it from happening in the first place.
And as always, feel free to skip over this next section if you're well versed in TransTape.
I've only spent hours writing this for you, no worries, it's okay, really.
I'm kidding.
If you're new to TransTape and this is one of the first times you're learning about it, I suggest reading about what exactly TransTape is to have a better understanding going forward.
But again, feel free to skip over, I've only worked for hours on this.
Another joke, I'm sorry.
Just for that, if you're looking for a quick and brief solution to your problems, look no further than the next line.
There are no quick and brief solutions, this is a blog.
Okay that was the last one.
For now.
TransTape is the ORIGINAL body transformation system.
What does that mean, you ask?
Well, lemme tell ya.
TransTape makes it possible for users to feel more comfortable in their skin by replacing common gender affirming products such as binders, bras, gaffes and harnesses.
Anyone can use TransTape, there are no exceptions, TransTape is all inclusive!
The tape used is a blend of 95% cotton and 5% spandex. And this wonderfully blended and flexible tape uses a hypoallergenic and medical grade acrylic adhesive that is also latex free and non-medicated.
Even though the adhesive is considered hypoallergenic and medical grade, this does not mean it's automatically a match made in heaven for your skin. Unfortunately, some people may have an allergic reaction to TransTape and/or its adhesive.
Which is also why test strips are not optional, they are mandatory!
If at any time during your test strip, or any application, you begin to feel extreme discomfort, severe itchiness, pain, or notice a rash forming, remove your tape immediately. Do not apply TransTape to open or broken skin.
It's a lot to take in, I know. But there's more!
This fantastic product is also compression free, meant for multiple day wear and is even waterproof!
Isn't that insane? That's insane. This is completely insane, crazy talk, honestly.
Let's put it this way.
You could apply your TransTape, take a 5 day vacation to the beach, or if you're me you might be in the mountains chasing waterfalls instead, swim in the ocean (or swim under a waterfall), shower and sunbathe daily, maybe even go for a run or a hike, sleep soundly in that amazing hotel bed every night and, where was I going with this?
Oh right, silly me, I was going over all of the wonderful things you can do in TransTape before needing to remove it.
You can breathe and live freely for up to 5 days before needing to worry about changing your tape out.
Every body is different, so you may end up removing it sooner rather than later.
The point is other products, like binders, often come with a warning telling you to limit your use to a certain amount of hours.
The same products telling you that, may also suggest keeping activity to a minimum to avoid discomfort or other side effects, like shortness of breath.
I mentioned it before and I'll mention it again, TransTape is for everyone.
And every lifestyle.
Whether you're a stay at home parent, a bookworm, a gym rat, a certified adventurer or literally anything else, TransTape can hold its own.
Seriously, that adhesive is no joke, it holds.
Ahh, the good stuff.
There are a lot of things that could probably cause irritation.
Aside from your skin simply being sensitive, things like overstretching your tape could cause some irritation or redness.
Some how overstretching is always a culprit.
The most common one, too!
We've talked about overstretching so many times that I can't even count but that's because it's something we do without even noticing.
But it's super easy to fix!
Usually, overstretching occurs when we're trying to get the biggest bang for our buck.
What I mean by that is, we're probably either trying to achieve a super flat appearance or we think our skin is indestructable and we're good as long as the tape sticks.
These are not ideal thought patterns, but I've been there.
When we're applying, we want to lay down the first and last inch of our strips with no tension.
Also known as anchors.
Feel free to stretch, reasonably of course, the middle section of the tape that isn't anchoring down the application.
The flexibility in TransTape is what allows us to have free range of motion throughout the day.
And stretching to the max takes away that range of motion because the tape can no longer stretch along with your body.
Overstretching can also cause painful blisters or other forms of severe irritation.
Moral of the story?
Don't overstretch.
I am extremely guilty of this one, lock me up guys.
TransTape can be worn up to 5 or more days, depending on the person.
This means some people can wear it for 10 and maybe for others, only 3.
What this doesn't mean is leave your tape on for 15 whole days.
Yes, I'm talking to you. And myself.
Your skin needs some air and time to recover, rehydrate and just rest.
The longer you wear your tape, the stronger the bond tends to get between your skin and adhesive.
So if you've worn the same application for 2 weeks, your skin is probably begging for a break from that fancy adhesive.
I know mine was.
If you're not taking time, or rather days, off from wearing TransTape, your skin isn't getting the opportunity to recover before it gets stuck with tape again.
Bottom line?
Take your tape off when you find yourself wondering, "should I take this off yet?"
The answer is almost always yes.
Take it off, lather on some oil, repairing salve and lay in bed all day.
Don't skip rest days.
Last but not least, the one where I tell you spending money on some good oil is better than suffering through a dry removal.
Dry removal sounds painful because it is.
Now, I understand it's a hassle to buy additional things along with your tape.
I get it, I hate buying add ons.
That's why there are bundles, though!
Removing your tape improperly is similar to overwearing your tape because they will both directly affect your skin's overall health.
Ripping, you should never rip, your tape off without any type of oil damages your skin instantly and you will likely see a lot more redness and experience itchiness.
Worst case scenario, you may even cause blisters or other severe irritation.
And you know what happens when you have blisters or severe irritation?
You can't wear TransTape until it fully heals.
If you want a more detailed explanation about how to properly remove your TransTape, check out this post here.
In short, to remove your TransTape you need to first completely saturate your tape with TransTape Removal Oil (or proper substitutions like coconut, vegetable and olive oils).
After you apply your oil, wait up to 5 minutes and begin peeling back the tape slowly in the same direction that you applied it.
I recommend keeping oil on your hands during removal.
If your tape isn't starting to loosen up after 5 minutes, add a little more oil and start trying to remove it. Waiting longer will give the adhesive the opportunity to tap back in the fight and start bonding to your skin again.
Another suggestion is removing your tape in a shower or bath. You can add the oil directly in the bath and soak!
After you've successfully removed the tape, rub the excess oil directly into your skin where the tape was to help your skin start recovering.
If you're feeling extra self care aware, you can also use TransTape Repairing Salve to assist you on your rest days. You can apply it directly to your skin as long as you don't use it on any broken or open skin. I like to apply it after removal and then at least twice on my rest day(s).
It also doubles as a nice lip balm, if that's your thing!
Don't forget the oil and don't forget to rest!
The best way to prevent any application related irritation is to take your time during application.
I know you really didn't want that to be the answer, I'm sorry I wish there was a better one.
This could mean making an effort to schedule a specific time to apply and remove your tape carefully and properly or maybe even asking a friend or loved one for some additional help.
If you'd like extra help troubleshooting your application, you can always hop on the free TransTape Live Chat Mon-Fri and get some real time advice from a TransTape team member!
Now, if you've checked over your application, meaning you're not doing things like overstretching and you're thinking maybe it's just your skin, there is another solution out there for you.
I won't go into crazy detail about it in this post, but you can check out the official how to here. It's super easy to follow!
The milk of magnesia method is when you take some, you guessed it, milk of magnesia and apply a light coat over the area you are about to apply your tape.
Don't apply an inch thick coat, by the way.
After your thin coat dries completely, gently brush off any loose excess and apply your tape how you normally do on top.
This gives your skin a thin barrier between itself and the adhesive.
This method tends to help users with itchiness and general irritation before and after removal.
It may take you an extra few minutes to do, maybe 15, but it might make a huge difference in how comfortable you feel wearing TransTape so i'd say it's worth it.
And by the way, don't skip your rest day(s) either!
Everyone uses TransTape differently and we all develop and adjust our own techniques the more we tape, it takes time to 'perfect' the art.
So try not to get discouraged if it isn't going exactly how you planned right away.
I don't want to speak for everyone, who am I kidding yes I do, but every TransTape user has had to deal with some form of irritation from TransTape at some point.
Whether it was itching, redness or even blisters, we've all been there at least once or twice.
With some effort, lots of patience and a little bit of honest troubleshooting, most TransTape issues can be resolved. Not every issue, but quite a few.
Look I don't make the rules, I just tend to break 'em.
I went through an entire roll within my first two applications and still had issues like the tape not sticking to me or itching like a madman day one.
And to this day, over 4 years later, I still have days where my applications just suck. I'll easily spend over an hour applying and reapplying strips in the mirror because something feels wrong or looks weird to me. There is no shame in struggling, no matter how many times you've done something.
My point is, don't get discouraged and give up.
Nobody is perfect!
Nobody really expects you to be, either.
Absolute perfection is never the goal.
Finding freedom in your own skin is.
Until next time,
Stay awesome,
Stay beautiful,
Stay you.
You are loved and it gets better.
Talk to you soon,
My name is Jamie and I'm a young (ish) transman born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York state. I started my transition in May of 2017 and since then, I've made it my mission to live unapologetically as myself and spread awareness through my pursuit of happiness. I am the creator and writer of Spilling T blog, a proud affiliate of TransTape and when I'm not outside with the best dog ever or hanging out with my two cats, I make and sell my own beard care products through Buckaroo's Beard Care. I'm always looking for my next adventure and have been skydiving, road-tripping, hiking in the mountains and even served for a short time in the United States Marine Corps. My life has had its fair share of twists and turns and I hope to use those experiences to create helpful and relatable content that may help someone else navigate a difficult time in life.
Beards, Socials, Tape and Writing
Use code FINALLYME10 and Find Your Freedom with TransTape!