Blog Filtrar por shipping

TransTape: Shipping and Discretion

Some new changes are happening when it comes to shipping, and this could make a huge difference for many users. And with these great changes comes a reminder that TransTape offers discreet shipping! Discreet shipping isn't always a requirement, but for some people it is and it's important to talk about.

New Year, New TransTape

New Year, New TransTape

With the near year just beginning, I thought this would be a good time to review some of the brand new things that you can enjoy throughout 2025! TransTape is always improving thanks to TransTape users like you. There are a few things to be excited for in 2025, ESPECIALLY the new international warehouse that will help with shipping!

TransTape Shipping!

TransTape Shipping!

Your feedback about shipping hasn't gone unnoticed and TransTape has taken it upon themselves to address these concerns head on. Domestic and international shipping rates were inconsistent, but that will now be a thing of the past! After trial and error, a flaw in the system was found and is actively being corrected.