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TransTape is Here for YOU!

TransTape isn't just a company that sells you products, it's a company that chooses to give back and uplift the users of their product! Aside from providing gender euphoria one strip of tape at a time, on the website TransTape has a free live chat where you can get 1-on-1 assistance from someone through chat or video, free video tutorials and manuals! And on social media, they also help promote GoFundMe campaigns and user side hustles. Wanna learn more? Let's go!

New TransTape Size?!

New TransTape Size?!

A new tone AND a new size?! You bet! A new skin tone isn't the only new thing coming to TransTape, there's now a new XL size measuring 7 inches. Before now, there was only the small 3 inch, medium 4 inch and the large 5 inch. This may seem like a pretty minor thing to some, but it's actually a huge deal and I'm gonna tell you why!

New TransTape Tone?!

New TransTape Tone?!

Hey friends! Believe it or not, TransTape is STILL getting better. TransTape has been offering 4 skin tones and other colors for some time now, but that's changing! Going forward, there will be 5 different skin tones to choose from as well as tone matching nipple guards AND tone matching inked tape. And it's not just about adding new products, either. It's about listening to the customers and consistently improving quality!

TransTape Gives Back!

TransTape Gives Back!

We're always talking about the product, but what about the company? Believe it or not, there's more to TransTape than just the tape. Whether you're an artist looking to make an extra buck, a person in need of a free starter kit, someone seeking assistance with top surgery or an organization in need of a donation, TransTape is here to help! If you're interested to learn more about how TransTape gives back to the community, join me for an easy read that will make you want to grab some tape for yourself.

TransTape Shipping!

TransTape Shipping!

Your feedback about shipping hasn't gone unnoticed and TransTape has taken it upon themselves to address these concerns head on. Domestic and international shipping rates were inconsistent, but that will now be a thing of the past! After trial and error, a flaw in the system was found and is actively being corrected.

TransTape Merch!

Dejando a un lado la cinta de afirmación de género, ¡TransTape también tiene productos! Desde camisetas hasta bolsos de lona, ​​TransTape ofrece una variedad de productos para que puedas mostrar tu apoyo y difundir la buena noticia entre las personas que te rodean. ¡Échale un vistazo!

Black History Month

Mes negro de la historia

No es ningún secreto que febrero es el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana y si no lo sabías, ¡ahora lo sabes! Desde activistas de derechos humanos, innovadores ingeniosos, artistas talentosos y mucho más,...

Holiday Gifting! | 3 Trans-Owned Businesses To Support

La temporada navideña se nos acerca rápidamente y es posible que algunos de nosotros nos estemos preguntando sobre ideas de regalos para los seres queridos trans y no binarios en nuestras vidas. Ya sea que un ser querido esté comenzando su transición o comenzando a explorar su género, no temas, ¡estoy aquí para ayudarte!

TransTape 2.0 | Updated Tones & Higher Quality Removal Oil

TransTape continúa trabajando incansablemente entre bastidores para brindarnos el mejor producto y las mejores experiencias. En 2022 mejoraron el adhesivo, el aceite, el envío y mucho más. Con un equipo de estrellas, el cielo es el límite y, para ser honesto, ni siquiera creo que el cielo pueda detener a estos muchachos.

Product Sample Image