Hi my name is Charli and I want to talk to you about applying TransTape to your body as a trans woman. I have a job that has me on a ladder fairly...
Hi my name is Charli and I want to talk to you about applying TransTape to your body as a trans woman. I have a job that has me on a ladder fairly...
Hiiii friends! Today we’re doing tips on how to use TransTape to lift and show off your marvelous cleavage. So one use of TransTape is for binding, or making your breasts less prominent,...
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and this means something a little bit different for everyone. For some, this means an extra dose of self-love, and for others it's a day of spoiling your significant other. Wherever you fall on the valentine's day sliding scale, make some room for TransTape to join you!
One of the most common questions asked regarding TransTape is how long one roll will last. This is a tricky question, because we're all going to apply our tape differently, but it's not an impossible one. Although I'm only able to give you an approximate answer for how long a roll lasts me, after reading this post you should have a general idea on how long a roll may last for you.
A lot is happening in the world right now and it's really easy to lose track of the not-so-little little things. If you use TransTape, there's a chance you're working with a part of your body that isn't your favorite and that can prove to be a challenge. Things like setting aside time for yourself, rest days and enjoying a nice cup of your favorite beverage just because you can tend to get lost in the sauce, it happens. ESPECIALLY when life gets crazy!
You may have read the post for first time users tucking before coming here but if not, no worries! This post will have more detailed instructions on how to perfect your tuck with TransTape. I always recommend reading the test strip how to and the before you tape posts before going ahead with your first application. But if you haven't, no worries, we will still briefly cover the test strip and the basic preparation. Let's get to it!
Do you have gynecomastia? Are you looking for gender affirming products? Well, TransTape is the original body transformation system and it's designed with the user in mind. Compression free, sweat-proof and water-proof, it's made for anyone looking to feel free in their skin! So let's talk about TransTape and how people with gynecomastia can benefit from it.
Egal, ob wir für einen Roadtrip quer durchs Land ins Auto steigen oder für ein Abenteuer in den nächsten Jet steigen, wir müssen uns vorbereiten und unsere Koffer packen, bevor wir losfahren! Vielleicht ein paar Hosen, Zahnpasta, Unterwäsche und, Sie ahnen es schon, TransTape. Reisen kann eine angsteinflößende Erfahrung sein, vor allem, wenn Sie sich Sorgen machen, dass Sie sich nicht sicher sind. Also lasst uns darüber reden!
Unabhängig davon, ob Sie zum ersten Mal oder zum 100. Mal aufzeichnen, befinden Sie sich möglicherweise in einer schwierigen Situation. Es passiert jedem! Ein häufiges Problem beim Anbringen ist, dass sich das Klebeband...